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8 Safety Tips for Driving in Freezing Rain

Added: 31 January 2024

8 Safety Tips for Driving in Freezing Rain

Our unpredictable British weather can bring tricky driving conditions at the best of times. And, with this winter’s harsh weather conditions affecting many parts of the country, it’s never been more crucial to be clued up on how to handle the trickier road conditions.

Here are some ways to stay safe when driving in freezing rain or other difficult driving conditions.

1. Slow Down

Rushing when the weather is bad can lead to bad decisions and more risks on the road, so one of the most important things to do when driving in the rain is to go slower. Wet roads can be very slippery, and going slower gives you more time to react if something unexpected happens. It’s better to arrive a bit later than to risk an accident by driving too fast. Plan your trip ahead of time and give yourself extra time if it's raining.

2. Keep a Safe Distance

To make sure you and others are safe, keep a good amount of space between your car and the one in front. In rainy conditions, it takes longer to stop, so leave more room between you and the car ahead. A general rule is to leave about four seconds of space in the rain.

3. Use Your Headlights

In the UK, it's the law to use your headlights when visibility is reduced, including when it's raining. Even during the daytime, turning on your headlights helps other drivers see you better, and it helps you see the road more clearly.

8 Safety Tips for Driving in Freezing Rain
8 Safety Tips for Driving in Freezing Rain

4. Check Your Windscreen Wiper Blades

If your windscreen wipers leave streaks or make it hard to see, it’s time to get new ones. It's a small thing to do that can make a big difference in how safe you are.

5. Avoid Using Cruise Control

When it's raining, it's better not to use cruise control. Wet roads can make your tyres lose grip, and cruise control might not react quickly enough to changes in the road. Drive manually so you can be in control and react if you need to.

6. Stay Informed About the Weather

Before you start your trip, check the weather forecast for the places you'll be driving through. If they predict heavy rain or storms, think about delaying your trip or finding a different route. Knowing the weather can help you make safer choices.

7. Know What To Do If You Aquaplane

Aquaplaning happens when your tyres can't grip the road because there's a layer of water between them. If you feel like you're aquaplaning, stay calm. Hold the steering wheel steady, ease off the accelerator, and don't make any sudden moves. Your tyres will grip the road again once the water goes away.

8. Keep An Eye On Your Tyres

Keeping your tyre in good shape is crucial at any time of year, but especially important in winter weather. Check your tyres' tread regularly and replace them if they're worn out. Having enough tread helps water to disperse, reducing the chance of sliding. Also, keeping your tyres at the right pressure will ensure you have the best grip on wet roads.