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Best Ways To De-Ice Your Car

Added: 08 January 2018

Tips and tricks to make your cold mornings easier!

We’ve all been there: you’re rushing out the door to get to work or an appointment, but you can’t go anywhere because your windscreen is covered in ice. When the frost and snow appear, here are the best ways to de-ice your car and get moving as quickly as possible.

Red car covered in snow

Don’t: Panic

A little bit of frost won’t hurt your vehicle – and won’t delay your journey for too long either. By following the tips and practices we’ve outlined below, you’ll be able to get on with your day quickly and safely, and you’ll never need to worry about a little ice ever again.

Do: Prepare for icy mornings

During the winter months, it’s inevitable that you’ll wake up to an icy car some days. While we’d recommend keeping handy items such as a torch, jumper cables and an external battery in the boot of your car at all times, an ice scraper and de-icing solution are essential to have on hand during the colder season.

If you want to stop ice forming altogether, there is a simple trick you can use with items you have in your home. Simply soak a towel (we’d recommend using an old one!) in a mixture of salt and water and leave on your car windscreen overnight.

Don’t: Use a credit card

It might be tempting to pull out a credit card and scrape away the ice, but doing so could do more damage than good. Using a card or plastic object may seem like an easy way to de-ice the windscreen, especially when you’re in a hurry, but that could soon turn to regret if the card chips or scratches the glass – something that’s very possible.

Do: Use a good ice scraper

A bad scraper can do just as much damage as using a credit card or other plastic object to de-ice your car. Make sure you buy a soft-bristled car-specific scraper, even if it costs a little more – or it could cost you a lot more.

Car de-icer scraper

Don’t: Drive

Driving in icy conditions can be dangerous, so it’s important that you’re alert and your vision is unimpaired. Driving with ice on the windscreen – even if it’s just a little bit and you think you can see well enough – is never worth the risk, even if you’re only driving a short distance. As well as putting lives at risk, you could land a fine or even points on your licence.  

Do: Turn on the car

Switch on your car to let it warm up and switch on the heating on to “defrost” if your car has it. Just don’t leave it running unattended if you need to run back into the house for something – it’s illegal to not be in control of your car at all times!

Don’t: Think you need to run to the shop

Although a shop-bought de-icing solution will always do the job well, don’t worry if you don’t have any lying around. Homemade solutions using the products you have in your kitchen cupboard can do the trick too; try mixing a jug of water with a teaspoon of salt or one part water with three parts vinegar.  

Follow these tips for de-icing your car and you should be on the road within 10 minutes – and, more importantly, both you and your car will be as safe as can be.