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How to get the best range out of your electric vehicle

Added: 30 August 2022

How to get the best range out of your electric vehicle

So, you’ve invested in a new electric vehicle and are enjoying all the benefits of driving an electric car. Now it’s time to maximise your vehicle’s driving range so that you can get the best range out of it - and ensure it stays in tip top condition for as long as possible.

Here are six easy ways to get the best range out of your electric vehicle, so you can maximise its power and enjoy stress-free journeys every time.

1 - Take it easy

An electric vehicle - just like most non-electric vehicles - runs best when it’s driven smoothly. Just as accelerating smoothly can help to save gas, taking it easy on the accelerator pedal can help get the best range out of your EV.

2 - Avoid speeding

Cars rarely drive the same at any speed; every car has an optimal driving speed, where fuel (or electric power) is used most efficiently. For many electric cars, this optimal speed is up to 60mph. With the national speed limit only ever exceeding this number on dual carriageways and motorways, you now have even more reason to keep within the speed limit.

3 - Reduce on-board weight

Are you guilty of filling your car boot with lots of ‘just in case’ items or leaving things in your car unnecessarily? If so, you could be reducing the range of your electric vehicle. The good news is that removing any unneeded cargo is one of the easiest ways to instantly improve your EV’s driving range before you next hit the road.

How to get the best range out of your electric vehicle

How to get the best range out of your electric vehicle

4 - Use eco mode

Many electric vehicles come with different driving modes so you can choose the one that best suits your journey. One of these is usually an ‘Eco’ mode. If you’re running low on battery power - or have any concerns about making it to your destination - switching to ‘Eco’ mode is an easy way to make sure you’re conserving as much power as possible. Tips for choosing the best driving mode will be in your EV’s manual, so make sure you take the time to familiarise yourself with it. 

5 - Keep an eye on the climate

The battery of your electric vehicle doesn’t just give you the power needed to get from one place to the next. It also powers virtually everything inside the vehicle, including the heaters, entertainment system and air conditioning. Therefore, every time you use any of these features, you’ll be reducing the remaining range of your vehicle. In order to save power and maximise your EV’s range, avoid having the heating or air conditioning on stronger than you need it or leaving it on longer than is needed to reach your desired climate on board.

6 - Check your tyres

One of the easiest ways to maximise the range of your electric vehicle is to ensure you’re driving with optimal tyre pressure. Underinflated tyres require the car to use more power and lead to premature tread wear. Underinflated tyres can also raise safety issues caused by longer braking times and an increased chance of breaking down.