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Tips for keeping your car safe in cold weather

Added: 19 January 2023

Driving in the UK comes with its own unique challenges, one of which is the changeable - and often unpredictable - weather that we face. The cold winter weather can be particularly demanding for car owners, especially when the temperatures drop below zero.

With a little bit of preparation, though, you can make sure your car keeps running as optimally as possible, no matter what the weather forecast brings. These tips for keeping your car safe in cold weather will make sure you don’t get caught out next time the temperatures dip.

Never skip your car check-up

It’s easy to put off getting minor car repairs and servicing done, especially if they’re not essential. However, cold weather can turn a small issue into a bigger issue faster. Make sure everything is checked and repaired as quickly as possible to avoid unnecessary damage when you need your car most. Not only will it reduce future costs, but it will help keep your car safe during the harsher winter months.

Check your car battery

The cold weather can put extra demand on your car battery, so it’s worth getting it tested before the lower temperatures set in. Ensuring your car’s battery is in good shape can help you avoid being stranded out in the cold, especially if your car is parked outside a lot.

Tips for keeping your car safe in cold weather

Allow extra time for the journey

It’s always a good idea to allow yourself more time than needed to get from one destination to another, but this is especially true in the winter. Not only are roads busier - and potentially more dangerous - but you’ll be able to make sure the engine is fully warmed up before you get going.

Fuel up before you need to

Colder weather generally leads to increased fuel consumption. It may sound simple, but making sure you have more fuel than you think you’ll need is one of the easiest ways to stay safe in winter.

Keep an eye on your tyres

While there’s no need to switch to winter tyres in most parts of the country, you’ll still want to make sure your car’s tyres are prepared for the colder weather. Tyre pressure can drop when the weather gets colder, which can lead to increased stopping distances, greater fuel consumption and more general wear and tear. Make sure you keep your tyre pressure at optimal levels to keep both you and your car safe all winter.

Regularly test your lights and wipers

When the days are darker and wetter, your lights and wipers get used much more. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to make sure your car is running as it should during winter is to look after these crucial parts. Check wipers for splits regularly and make sure they are turned off when the vehicle is not in use.

Wax your car regularly

New cars are specially treated to protect them and keep them looking their best, but this will wear off with time. Waxing your vehicle is an easy way to extend your car’s protection from the rust and oxidation that cold weather can cause, so there’s no better time for a top-up.