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What you need to know about buying a personalised number plate

Added: 22 December 2022

Don’t want to stick with the number plate that came with your car? Whether you’re buying a new car or a second-hand one, you can replace the existing plate with a personalised number plate.

A personalised number plate can include a phrase or letters that are meaningful to you, such as a name or initials, or simply something more memorable. As long as you stick within the allowed and available combinations, this means you can add a personal touch to your vehicle (and know that your plate number will also come to mind more easily when you need it!).

Here’s what you need to know about buying a personalised number plate for the first time.

Personalised number plate options

When it comes to choosing the letter/number combination, there are four types of personalised plates you can buy:

1 - ‘Current’ style plates: these consist of two numbers, two letters and another three letters. This is the format that is currently used for new registrations.

2 - ‘Prefix’ style plates: these consist of one letter, one to three numbers, and then three letters. These were the type of plates issued between 1983 and 2001.

3 - ‘Suffix’ style plates: these consist of three letters followed by one to three numbers and a single letter. These were the type issued before 1983.

4 - ‘Dateless’ style plates: these consist of three letters and three numbers. They can be assigned to a vehicle of any age.

What you need to know about buying a personalised number plate

What to consider when buying a personalised number plate


Where to buy a personalised plate

Personalised number plates can be bought directly from the DVLA or through a private seller. The option you choose will depend on the plate that you would like. If the number plate you would like has not yet been registered, you can buy it from the DVLA. However, if it has previously been in use, you will need to buy it from the previous owner, either directly or through a broker service.

You can search for a plate number (and see if it is available for sale or at auction) on the DVLA website.

Age matters

As well as making sure the personalised number plate you would like is available, you will also want to make sure it can legally be used on your vehicle. This applies only if you are buying a dated number plate (i.e. one of the first three options listed above).

The rule here is fairly simple: you cannot fit a number plate to a car that is older than the number plate in order to prevent future buyers from believing that the car is younger than it is if and when you decide to sell the vehicle.

Transferring a personalised number plate

If you buy a personalised number plate, you will need to register it to your vehicle but you’re not limited to using it on that particular car forever. As long as it is not used on a car that is older than the plate suggests, your personalised plate can be transferred to any future vehicles you buy for a small fee, so you can continue using it for as long as you wish.