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Where to charge your EV if you don't have a drive

Added: 22 February 2023

Where to charge your EV if you don't have a drive

Of course, none of this would be possible if the demand for electric vehicles didn’t exist. But, as recently published statistics show, electric cars are soaring in popularity - even as sales of new cars in the UK hit a 30-year low.

If you’re yet to invest in an electric vehicle, however, the most likely reason is that you aren’t sure where you will be able to charge it. Many would-be EV owners are put off making the leap by concerns that charging it will be so much of an inconvenience that it will override all the benefits of owning an electric car.

If that’s you, you may just be surprised. If you live in one of the one-third of UK homes that don’t have access to off-road parking - and therefore can’t charge an electric vehicle at home - there are still other options

Where to charge your EV if you don't have a drive
Where to charge your EV

1 - Charge your electric car while at work

If, like most people, you spend 8 or more hours at work per day, why not charge your car while it’s parked there not being used? The amount of charge gained during this time is likely to far exceed the output needed to get to and from work for the day.

If your workplace already has electric charging points installed, this is an easy way to charge your vehicle regularly.

If your workplace hasn’t yet installed electric charging points, it may be something they are considering already. Whether that’s the case or not, it’s an idea worth raising with your employer because it can be an attractive benefit to offer current and prospective workers.

Not only are electric vehicles becoming increasingly common, but the company can receive financial support from the government if they choose to install charge points for employees to use. Under the Workplace Charging Scheme, businesses can save up to £300 per socket on the installation of up to 20 total sockets.


2 - Charge your vehicle while out and about

As the number of electric vehicles on the road increases rapidly, so does the number of charging points available on the public network.

Supermarkets, gyms, car parks, shopping centres and other businesses are beginning to offer more charging points in order to attract customers. In some places, you can even use these charging points for free!

If you decide to buy an electric vehicle, you may be surprised at just how easy it is to charge the battery when you’re out and about.

3 - Charge your electric vehicle using the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme

Of course, having access to a charging point at home is always going to be the easiest and best option. And, even if you don’t have a drive, it still might be possible to charge at home.

The On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme was introduced by the government so that councils can help increase the number of charging points in their local areas.

These can be in lampposts, as freestanding units or using telescopic charging points, and they could be the next best thing to having a home charging point if you live in a home where it’s not possible.

Check out the government website to find out more and suggest a charging point.